The Obstacle Is The Way

Daily writing prompt
If you had to give up one word that you use regularly, what would it be?

I can’t do it.

I can’t lose weight.

I can’t go on long-distance runs.

I can’t start a blog.

I just can’t do it.

Those are the words I would tell myself. Ironically, I was an extremely ambitious person with lots of goals, and yet I was also the person who prevented myself from even starting.

Why was I so harsh on myself? Why would I be so judgemental? Looking back, it breaks my heart to remember the harsh words I would constantly repeat in my head.

Until one day, I decided to finally jump. I knew that if I never took action, the regret would haunt me forever. I registered my blog on WordPress and got to writing.

And I never looked back.

This blog has opened my eyes to my fears. I realized what was holding me back, my perception. There is no good or bad goal without perception. It is just my goal in itself and the judgments I gave myself. What if someone I know laughs at my blog? What if a coworker finds it? What if a stranger leaves a hate comment?

In the end, I realized no one really cares as much as I think they do. Everyone is busy living their own lives and dealing with their own insecurities, they don’t have time to think of me as much as I believe they would.

So whatever goals you have, start it and enjoy the journey. Persist in your efforts and never give up. The best feeling in the world is overcoming challenges so don’t prevent yourself from this gift by never starting.

Here is a quote that I read in a book that I hope you enjoy as much as I do:

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path.”

Ryan Holiday